Friday 26 November 2010

Everything and Nothing

So I've finally listened to people and set up an external blog. The aim of this blog is to share what I have learnt with others, particularly those with similar backgrounds to me.

My name is Jon and I have been playing online games since our tiny shit hole town got broadband 7 years ago. My first experiences were messing about in Warcraft III but after discovering Counter-Strike: Source came free with my copy of Half-Life 2 I soon began to tentatively grace public servers. After a year or so I became a regular on the old TwistedPlay servers where I joined my first team and began to learn about competitive gaming.

Over the next few years I played competitive CS:S on and off up to a high skill level, in early 2008 I was invited to play for the wotr^ organisation, it was here that I met Seb who now aliases numlocked. After we split Seb got involved in TF2 and that is now gaming history. However a year later I decided to explore competitive COD4 with a few companions from the TwistedPlay organisation who by now had gone from being a band of public players to a fearsome competitive gaming organisation with multiple top European teams. I mentioned this to Seb and he was keen to get in on it and filled our final spot with another TF2 player. We did fairly well beating quite a few pre-invite teams in just two months, however no one found the game particularly engaging and we shortly returned to our respective games of choice. 

One of my oldest TwistedPlay CSS companions who had played in our COD4 team defected to TF2 after a few months of inactivity and helped establish the TwistedPlay team of recent controversy. It was one day several months ago that I was asked to play a few HoN games and began to hang out on mumble with quite a few of the active TF2 players that had come to play COD4 occasionally with us. I soon purchased TF2 to see what all the fuss was about and instantly loved it because the pace suited me perfectly.

I have now been playing competitively for almost 3 months and racked up and impressive 170 hours of scout. Scout was an obvious choice for me because its fast and I have always been used to hit-scan games. Using skills from all the games I have played in the past 7 years I feel I have been quite successful and whilst I have a lot to learn, I would like to share some of my thoughts and experiences on the game in the hope that I can inspire players from similar backgrounds to take to TF2 as I have, and also to help those who are just breaking out of the public servers learn how rich an experience competitive games can be.

For now this blog is about how I play scout. Though I have no doubt that much of it will be useful to people playing other classes so I hope you read on. :)

Oh, and a little disclaimer. I still have a lot to learn, these are just my opinions, and whilst I won't write something unless I believe it will be useful, I have no doubt that I may look back on things in the future and think actually I now feel differently. Similarly I have no doubt that a lot of people a lot better than me will disagree with things here and there, feel free to tell me!

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